Glossier Priming Moisturizer

Glossier Priming Moisturizer

Today I’m sharing with you the Glossier Priming Moisturizer. The talented makeup artist (and my friend) James Vincent was the person who first turned me on to using moisturizer (Embryolisse Lait-Creme Concentrate) as a primer in addition to moisturizer. It’s definitely not a new concept, and many makeup artists prefer a good moisturizer to a primer,…

Paula’s Choice RESIST Optimal Results Hydrating Cleanser
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Paula’s Choice RESIST Optimal Results Hydrating Cleanser

I wanted to share my Paula’s Choice RESIST Optimal Results Hydrating Cleanser review with you today. This is a new to me cleanser that’s been out for a while and I have no idea why I waited so long to try it. Paula’s Choice RESIST Optimal Results Hydrating Cleanser Where to Buy Paula’s Choice My Paula’s…

Phyrra Says Vol. 31

Phyrra Says Vol. 31

I’ve got another Phyrra Says Vol. 31 – Rants and Raves to share with you. I’m taking about Netflix, the gym, why I hate the scale, and more. I talk about new makeup releases too! If you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe! Things mentioned in the video Fitbit Aria…