e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette
Today I’m sharing my review on the e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette. June is Pride month and so many companies are ‘gay friendly’ during Pride month. They all want to get that coin. I impulse bought the e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette and the e.l.f. x JKissa Furever Eyeshadow Brush Set. The 3 big reasons I bought this palette were: 1. monochromatic rainbow palette color layout 2. rescue pet themed and 3. cruelty-free and vegan.
I forgot to mention that I love the rescue angle of this palette, too. As you know, I rescued Amaya last October and most of my pets in my life have been rescues.
The e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette is $20 at Ulta and e.l.f. cosmetics. The e.l.f. x JKissa Furever Eyeshadow Brush Set is $25 at Ulta.
e.l.f. x JKissa Furever Eyeshadow Brush Set
e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette Swatches
Too Faced Shadow Insurance was used as the base for all of these eyeshadow swatches.

- Sadie – Pretty Girl – Confetti = (light purple matte, dark purple matte, purple shimmer)
- Cannoli – Thatcher – Bailey = (bright blue matte, dark blue matte, blue shimmer)
- Peaky – Tank – Reagan = (grass green matte, deep green matte, green shimmer)
- Yosemite – Paloma – Firefly = (bright yellow matte, mustard yellow matte, yellow gold shimmer)
- Millie – Zuma – Tsuki = (orange matte, slightly deeper orange matte, orange shimmer)
- Casey – Pepper – Strawberry = (red matte, slightly deeper red matte, red shimmer)
What I Love About This Palette:
There are only 3 things that I love about this palette. I love the e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette color layout. I LOVE that you have the bright color, the deep color, and the shimmer color in monochromatic order. That pleases me immensely and makes it pretty to look at. I HATE palettes that are random and don’t go light to deep or in some way that makes sense. Palettes with random color layouts annoy the hell out of me. I desperately wish all palettes went in order from light to deep.
I also love that the To the Rescue Palette is cruelty-free and vegan. Yay!
What I Hate About This Palette:
Just about everything else! I hate that the cover is white, because it gets dirty easily. I hate the color payoff and performance of the eyeshadows. I hate that I wasted money on this palette. I won’t even show you the shitty eye looks I attempted to put together with it. It turned into a muddy mess on my eyes no matter what eye primer I tried it with. I used Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Urban Decay Primer Potion, and TheBalm Put a Lid on It. None of those made this palette look any better on me.
The Brand Claims This About the Palette:
e.l.f x JKissa’s To The Rescue Eyeshadow Palette delivers intense pigmentation with a variety of matte, shimmer and metallic finishes. Express yourself one step further by customizing your palette with the JKissa sticker sheet included with the palette!
In my experience, with my e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette that I purchased directly from e.l.f.’s website, it does NOT have intense pigmentation. This rainbow eyeshadow palette has poor color payoff. Let me tell you all the ways it sucked.
The red shades, which are warm, orange-based reds on my skintone, had terrible color payoff. Even digging my brush into the pan didn’t seem to help. The orange shades were the same way. I also didn’t see much difference in the light and deep red and oranges on my fair skin. I was shocked by how poorly these colors performed. I could barely get them to show up enough for swatches.
The darker yellow and yellow shimmer both sucked as well. The eyeshadow formula itself – for all shades – kicks up a ton of powder. The consistency of the shimmer shades was very thin. If I had to guess, e.l.f. designed them to only work layered on top of the mattes. I tried applying them with my fingertips – which I hate to do – and still didn’t see better color payoff.
With my palette, the purples, blues, and greens had the best color payoff. Those are my favorite colors, so woot. The light yellow was decent for me, too. But ‘best’ in comparison with ‘I will never even attempt to use these colors in a look because they suck so badly’, isn’t that great.
Final Thoughts
I used to follow jkissa on YouTube, but stopped. I do remember her loving bright colors and products with good pigmentation and color payoff, so I don’t really know what went wrong with her collaboration with e.l.f. But in my opinion, this formula sucks and it isn’t worth the $20 I spent on it. She claims to have wanted to “I wanted to create my version of a perfect rainbow palette” but I find it hard to believe she’d want a palette with such poor color payoff and muddy formula when you try to blend it together.
If you’re looking for a gorgeous rainbow palette with intense pigmentation, this isn’t it. Save your money for eyeshadow singles from a brand like Sugarpill or Fyrinnae.
The e.l.f. x JKissa Furever Eyeshadow Brush Set is a really gorgeous rainbow brush set. The quality of the bristles is ok, about on par with most e.l.f. brushes I’ve tried. The brush set is a nice starter brush set and I feel it’s worth the $25. I don’t regret purchasing this like I do the palette. If you want to pick up something from this collaboration, I recommend the brushes. Skip the palette unless you want an exercise in frustration.
Have you tried the e.l.f. x jkissa To the Rescue Palette or the e.l.f. x JKissa Furever Eyeshadow Brush Set? What do you think of them?
hmm, the color palette does not look perfect..
OMG!!! I want the palette so bad! I love that there is variance in the same shade!!! I am ordering this one for sure on payday!
Dannng this is a bummer. And the colors look so pretty in the pans too, so I’m sure it was extra disappointing. Super shady when influencers hype their brand collabs and the product is a total flop.
Wow, those are bright! Bummer about the performance!
Too bad the performance isn’t there because otherwise this could have been a classic rainbow palette.
Oof! Thank you for reviewing this palette and saving me from the disappointment. I don’t purchase a lot of low end makeup anymore but I was tempted with this one.
Yikes. I ordered this and now I’m nervous. Other reviews I’d seen made is sound like a mixed bag, but not this awful. Well. at least the brushes will be good. I haven’t received my order yet.
Your swatches are outstanding and make the palette look gorgeous but the reality is so disappointing. They are really your kind of colors too. What a shame.
Damn! I haven’t had a chance to try mine yet. I watched a review and she loved it, but she did mostly use the purples and blues so that’s probably why. Thank you for being honest!