True Blood Series Finale Rant

True Blood Series Finale Rant
Originally, I enjoyed both the Sookie Stackhouse book series and the True Blood tv series. Unfortunately, the ending of both left me quite unsatisfied. Actually, unsatisfied would be an understatement. Spoilers are contained within this post. You’ve been warned.
The last few books in the Sookie series were, in my opinion awful. It never made sense to me that Sookie used the cluviel dor to save Sam instead of to fix things with her and Eric. Being on Team Eric, I felt like Harris just decided to kick him to the curb and make sure that Sookie ended up with someone that no one expected. Of course, she also stuffed the last few books with boring tidbits like Sookie picks up dry cleaning, Sookie does yardwork, etc, making them really hard to read. But I read them to the bitter end, expecting that I’d actually enjoy the ending. I was wrong. So very wrong. I felt cheated out of a real ending for Sookie, because I know I never saw clues that led up to Sam being her one true love that she was supposed to marry.
I got so invested in the characters because I read and reread the first 8 books at least 5 times. Some people comfort eat, I comfort read. I try to do it less and less these days, but there are some series that I get really into (Anita Blake, Harry Dresden, Toby Daye, Camille, Vlad Taltos, Rachel Morgan, Sookie Stackhouse) and I end up rereading them a ton.
Sadly, I let myself get my hopes up for the tv series that there would be a better ending than we were given with the Sookie books. I was wrong.
The last few seasons of True Blood were not what I would describe as great. They had some interesting moments, but they weren’t like the first few seasons, which were pretty fantastic. Like in the books, the Eric character just seemed to get forgotten by Sookie, which made no sense. Eric was pretty unforgettable and had a very tenacious personality. With the way he obsessed over Sookie, I just couldn’t fathom him deciding ‘oh I’m done.’ And then Sookie goes on to marry some no-name guy? Bizarre. Slightly better than the way the books ended, but as my husband Ray said ‘pretty pathetic.’
Honestly, I have no idea why, but I feel like Eric gets shafted in the books. At least his ending is happier in the tv series. Pam got shortchanged. She deserved better.
The tv series finale dragged on. The scenes with Jessica, Bill being a father to her, the wedding, etc just felt so stiff rather than sweet.
I felt like some of the most true to character scenes were the ones with Pam.
For one brief moment, when Sookie could read Bill’s mind, I thought maybe instead of dying he’d be turned fully human. But no, his death had to have an impact. I personally found it selfish that Bill determined he had to die even though he could have had a cure. I felt it was extremely selfish for him to force Sookie to kill him.
Last, I think I’m bothered by the (hopefully unintentional) implication that women can only be happy if they’re married and having kids. Not everyone can have children. Not everyone wants children. I wasn’t exactly sure from the tv series that Sookie was obsessed with having kids, though I did think she was a good friend to watch Arlene’s kids in the past.
I can’t get over how mundane the endings turned out for both the books and tv series.
The True Blood tv series went out with a whimper instead of a bang. I expected more.
What were your thoughts on the True Blood tv series finale?
i agree that the last few seasons have sucked! i still don’t know how i feel because i love that jessica and hoyt ended up together but yes the wedding stuff draaaaagggggged ass and i’m mad sookie and bill didn’t end up together. i have never read the books but i’ve always wanted to but i’ve just always been team bill personally. even though it’s kinda weird, i just didn’t want it to be a super lovey dovey happy ending, even though i wanted bill and sookie together if that makes sense.
throughout the show though i definitely had my moments of being pissed over who died. lol. i dunno… i feel the same way i felt about dexter ending with the bad seasons leading up to the end and then not knowing how i feel about the end.
We totally discussed this on Twitter but catching up with my blog feed just made me relive the disappointment all over again. I’m glad they tried to write an ending for everyone, but still. For a show that was always a bit bigger than life to end with such a bland note felt like everything was missing. I really hope this trend of high-profile shows ending with shoddy endings is over. It’s as if the writers were just sitting around and discussing the worst ways to end it as a joke, but then couldn’t come up with anything else so they just used the worst one they came up with.
I totally agree. I just really wanted Sookie to end up with Eric, and definitely wouldn’t have picked some no name guy we never saw. The books DEFINITELY ended on a super boring note. Ho hum.
I was so underwhelmed by the finale. I felt like Eric and Pam both got shafted and I long since stopped giving a damn about Sookie. It was just so bleurgh, especially the random pregnant sookie at the end (though I guess that was more because of Anna Paquin?)
I never did like the TV series because I had read all of the books (many times) and the show veered too far away from the books. I loved the books though and I think I am the only one who saw from almost the beginning that she would end up with Sam. So I loved the last book, even though I didn’t feel it was written as well as the others. I read an interview with Charlaine Harris and she stated that it was always her intention that Sookie end up with Sam. So, based on all the unhappy internet buzz about the finales of both the show and the books, it appears she and I are the only ones who are happy with the endings.
I haven’t watched TB in years, so reading this was quite entertaining! SAM!?!? WHA?! And Eric = tenacity to a T. There’s no way he would have just turned meh and dipped out. I hate it when a series / book finale leaves you high and dry!
OMG I was so pissed and mad at that crappy ending to that show. This whole season SUCKED. I thought for sure they would go out with a bang. I hated how Sookie had to kill Bill as well. I was rooting that he would become human. Then the end when Sam came back and Jason and all of them had kids. Ummmmm… I didnt realize that in 3-4 years that kids can go from non-existent to like 10 years old. So crappy and what a waste of a season, they should have went out with a bang 2 seasons ago. Very disappointed.
I have a low tolerance for poorly-written prose, and I struggled with the Sookie Stackhouse series. Oh, how did I struggle! I thought Allan Ball did a wonderful job of translating the books into a television series, but eventually, that wonder got lost. I stopped watching after BIll became the vampire god.
Eventually, I did go back to the Blood, but those last few seasons were difficult for me. Russel Edgington was a bright spot in the show.
This last season was ridiculous. The parade of former characters? The introduction of new ones? The introduction of new and boring plot lines (Tara’s father)? The incessant Civil War flashbacks? The introduction of new romances (fairy girl and witch’s son, Lafayette & that boring musician vampire that dated Jessica, Hoyt and Jessica) to barely advance other plot lines? In the words of Johnny Rotten (in Sid & Nancy), “Boring, Sidney. Boring!”.
This entire season could have followed Pam and Eric from 1980-2001, and I would have been pleased as punch. Instead, I wanted to punch myself in the face for losing 9 hours of my life to this shite. I have not watched the series finale, and I don’t know that I will.
Part of the reason I turned to fan fiction, especially with this series. There was so much potential for more with Sookie especially. In the books (at least for the first couple) she was a strong woman who although naive was loyal and smart and self-educated. I feel like they sucked the life out of her, sadly not the fun vampire way.
My friend is coming over tonight to watch, but you know me and how I love my spoilers 😉 I knew this would end crappy. Since Alcide was gone I really wanted Eric to turn Sookie and they live happily ever after. Blah. Yeah, Bill’s an asshole too. *scream* so mad lol
The finale was disappointing! I hated that Sookie ended up with some no name guy and the way they killed Bill was just pathetic, then Eric becoming some cheesy New Blood spokesman was just lame. I wanted to see everyone go out with a Bang not a thud. 🙁
It was so bland!
I had the thought that Bill was becoming human too! Wouldn’t that have been a much better ending? I wasn’t thrilled with the ending either. I’m just glad they didn’t keep making more seasons that got worse as they went on. The last two books weren’t that good either.
I was hoping that Eric would have to turn Sookie or kill her because of the Japanese Mobsters, since she knew about the cure. Glad I wasn’t alone in thinking Bill was getting back to human.