
Top 5 Things I Wish I Knew in High School

Top 5 Things I Wish I Knew in High School

Top 5 Things I Wish I Knew in High School

Today’s video is the top 5 things I wish I knew in high school. I didn’t learn about most of these things until I was in my 30s! I was a geek in high school. I was in marching band, wind ensemble, choir, drama, and just about everything artsy that I could do. I even took my first photography classes in high school. I’m still friends with my closest friends from high school, Krissy & April & Jace. They are true friends. In my experience, true friends are rare, but they’ve withstood the tests of time and distance.

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Top 5 Things I Wish I Knew in High School Video

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Top 5 Things I Wish I Knew in High School List

  1. Use eyeshadow primer
  2. Wear spf every day
  3. Wash your face for at least 60 seconds
  4. Shave your face
  5. Start an exercise routine

Watch my Back to School Goth Makeup Tutorial!

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The More You Know

Honestly, there are so many things that I wish I wish I knew in high school, that I’ve had to learn on my own as an adult. I wish that our high school had taught a class on how to make a budget and save money, for example. If you need help learning to budget, my friend Melody’s site Broke on Purpose has a TON of helpful guides.

If you’re like me, and you struggle with cooking, check out my friend Karly’s site, A Simple Pantry. She makes cooking easy and fun. I’m definitely a better baker than chef, but I’m trying to improve!

What are the top things you wish you knew in  high school?


  1. I wish I would have known all those things in high school. I always had oily eyelids and there was no such thing as an eyeshadow primer back in the dark ages. I also wish I would have been better at matching my foundation!

  2. There wasn’t an eyeshadow primer when I was in school or even when I first started teaching. My sister and I always were looking for something that would hold color on better.
    I wish too I’d started an exercise routine so I wouldn’t hate it as I grew older.

  3. To me, it sounds like you were very cool in high school. You knew what you were interested in, and your pursuied those interests. Wonderful!

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