L’Oreal EverPure Sulfate-Free Shampoo & Conditioner Review
A while ago I purchased L’Oreal Ever Pure Sulfate-Free Moisture Shampoo and Volume Conditioner. I’ve had mixed results with the products, so let me tell you about them.
A while ago I purchased L’Oreal Ever Pure Sulfate-Free Moisture Shampoo and Volume Conditioner. I’ve had mixed results with the products, so let me tell you about them.
I’ve loved Fyrinnae’s Pixie Epoxy from the moment I got my paws on it. It is one of my few Holy Grail items. I know I’ve mentioned it a few times before when talking about Fyrinnae. Since I’ve had a lot of email questions about it, I thought this review – complete with questions answered…
Now that I’ve had quite a bit of time to play with my products, I can give you my Sugarpill (affiliate link) review. As you know, Sugarpill’s site is gorgeous. (I want whatever lip product is on the lovely lady above.) They have two main products currently: Chromalust loose eye shadow and Addicted to Pretty…
I wrote this article on How to Look for Quality Mineral Makeup for my friends at Painted Ladies. But of course, I wanted to share it here as well. Please let me know your thoughts. 🙂 How to Look for Quality Mineral Makeup When I got into mineral makeup in April 2008, I didn’t know…
Today I’m sharing my My Clarisonic Mia Review with you. Ok, so remember the first time you used an electric toothbrush? The first time I used one, I wondered where it had been all my life! My mouth and teeth felt so wonderfully clean! I’ve not gone without one since. It took me one use…