Amazon Echo Unboxing and Demo
TGIF! Today I’m sharing my Amazon Echo unboxing and demo with you. The Amazon Echo, aka Alexa, is a really cool device from Amazon. As an Amazon Prime member, I got on the wait list for this quite a while ago and was able to buy it for $99. It’s currently available for $149 and it will retail for $199 when it launches. You can see it in action in my video. It’s always getting smarter and now it can even synch with my google calendar. Sign Up for Amazon Echo here.

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Key Features of the Amazon Echo
- Synch with Google Calendar
- Get the Weather
- Get your customized News
- Traffic
- Listen to your Amazon Music Library, Prime Music, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, or Pandora
- Control devices you set up, like lights, with the WeMo
- Ask questions and receive answers
- Add items to shopping lists
- Set timers and alarms
Products Mentioned in Video
- Amazon Echo
- Belkin WeMo switch
- NVidia Shield Portable
- Purple tree light
The Echo is basically a mix of a voice-controlled personal assistant, blue tooth speakers for music, Google search, news, weather and an extra set of hands. I love that it can turn the lights on and off with the Belkin WeMo switch.
I’m a huge fan of Amazon. As I’ve mentioned many times, I’m a Prime member and take advantage of that in a lot of different ways. I also shop using Amazon Smile to support the Florida Poodle Rescue (my charity of choice, see more here).
I think this brings us one step closer to smart homes (a la Sarah on Eureka), which makes me happy. I suppose I should be lookin’ over my shoulder for the rise of the machines, but instead I’m slightly pouty that we still don’t have our flying cars.
What do you think of the Amazon Echo now that you’ve seen it in action?
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That looks awesome, I really like the sound of this fun gadget!
i saw that commercial and told my mom we needed this ASAP haha. we didn’t rejoin prime last year because we were ‘angry’ at the price increase haha :/ but i think i may need to go back to it. you just can’t beat the deals. i love that it does all the things you do as a human, but doesn’t count to be lazy, if that makes sense.
I know what you mean! Trust me, being able to say ‘Alexa, Turn on the Lights’ when my hands are full is helpful!
This looks so fun!!!!! I know Alexa would be super useful to me and Ye Other Half. 😀 We have a record collection, a CD collection, and a massive MP3 collection that I would LOVE to put all in ONE place. Seriously it makes me crazy. I’d love to be like, “Alexa play [insert song / album here]!” and have it happen, haha! XD I also think it would be great for practical randomness – weather, shopping lists, schedules, do to lists. . .it’s pretty endless. I know this kind of technology will only get better with time which is so exciting. . .and scary! *has Terminator movie flash backs* XD I think it’s really fun and interesting! I can’t help but be into it! <3 *wanting the new ROOMBA so bad*
That looks like a fun gadget! And… Your hair extensions! Yowza!
I’ve had this for a few weeks. At first I had some fun with it, but ultimately, it’s really too limited to do more than play music. The grand kids and I love to ask Siri questions so I thought this would be fun, but there’s just too much that it can’t answer, and they got bored after a few minutes. Siri can provide you with a list of web sites if it can’t answer a question, Alexa, with no screen to display, just shrugs and tells you that she doesn’t know.
Also, we found that we couldn’t really talk about our friend ‘Alex’ in the same room, it kept waking up and telling us that it couldn’t understand the question. After a week or two I put it in my makeup room to play music/radio and get the weather. Until it learns more, it’s more of a toy.
Yeah, I should have made it more obvious in the video, but Alexa needs to be paired with a cell phone / computer / the shield because then you can see what it thinks you’re saying and the answer it’s giving vs. just speaking / listening.
I don’t have Siri, but I do use google a lot to ask questions when I’m out since I can just hit the button on my phone and ask it.
It’s definitely perfect for playing music and getting the weather, so at least you’re getting use of it that way 🙂
My DH would love this. He might have mentioned it. Maybe our sons will want to get him this for Father’s Day.
It’s such a fun device
what to get the person who has everything!
Hah, yes!
My bro in law would go crazy for this!
It’s definitely a fun device to play with
I think that’s so cool. I remember my brother was thinking about getting it but we never ended up buying it. I’m kinda regretting that now haha
You can still sign up to get one 🙂
I miss Eureka 🙂 this sounds like an awesome device!!!
I miss Eureka too 🙂 And yes this device has potential.
Sounds cool, I know a few people who would love this.
It’s pretty cool even if it’s not perfect yet
Sounds very cool!!!
We think it is 🙂
I’ll need to show this to my husband! He loves stuff like this!
It’s definitely a fun tech toy
Cool device! Enjoy it
Thank you!
What an interesting device! I’m also a Prime member, and I’ll look into it for sure.
I find it to be a lot of fun to play around with 🙂