What are the Best Subscription Boxes?
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What are the Best Subscription Boxes?

After my video Friday, I’ve had several of you email me to ask what subscription boxes I’ve tried and what the best subscription boxes were in my experience. I’ve tried a fair amount of subscription box services at this point, including Beauty Box 5, GlossyBox, Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, Petit Vour, Madd Style Madd Cat Box,…

Notoriously Morbid The Blood Countess

Notoriously Morbid The Blood Countess

Today I wanted to share the Notoriously Morbid Blood Countess collection with you. I’ve been subscribed to the Notoriously Morbid Vanishing Cabinet for several months now but haven’t had a chance to show you some of their products until today. You’ve probably seen me mention Notoriously Morbid in some of my recent features including Best Cruelty…

Best Cruelty Free Blushes

Best Cruelty Free Blushes

There are many cruelty free blushes available, but I’m going to share my picks for the best cruelty free blushes out there. These are my favorites. I’ve got some vegan blushes included, too. Makeup Geek – $9.99 for refill pans, $12.99 compact Makeup Geek makes the best cruelty free pressed indie blushes. All of their blushes are vegan…