Colour Pop Haul

Colour Pop Haul

I wanted to share a recent Colour Pop haul with you. You know I love Colour Pop, and so do my friends Eugenia and Erika. We all 3 decided to haul and share what we picked up. So check out my swatches below and you can see theirs on their Youtube Channels. Colour Pop is…

KBShimmer Spring 2015 Collection
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KBShimmer Spring 2015 Collection

Happy Monday! Today I’ve got the KBShimmer Spring 2015 Collection, as well as the Pantone Color of the Year Marsala shade Men Are From Mars-ala. The Spring 2015 collection launches February 6, 2015. The Spring 2015 collection is inspired by sun-kissed days and lush gardens blooming, the Easter season, and Pantone’s 2015 Spring color, Aquamarine. It’s…

Best Drugstore Makeup Brand Nyx Cosmetics

Best Drugstore Makeup Brand Nyx Cosmetics

Happy Makeup Wars Monday! Today we’re sharing our picks for the best drugstore makeup brand. I picked the cruelty free brand Nyx Cosmetics! All products purchased by me except the Wicked lippies, which are press samples. Best Drugstore Makeup Brand Nyx Cosmetics Nyx Cosmetics is cruelty free, though their parent company L’Oreal is not. All…