DIY Gothic Charm School Palette
Hello, beautiful creatures! Today’s video is a shop my stash DIY Gothic Charm School palette. When my Goth auntie, Jillian from Gothic Charm School, was lamenting about not being able to find her perfect eyeshadow palette, I asked her what colors made up her dream palette. This video shows you each individual eyeshadow swatched on my lids, comparison swatches, other possible choices, as well as the final eyeshadows that made the cut!
Where to Buy
Lethal Cosmetics, Camera Ready Cosmetics, Terra Moons Cosmetics, Necromancy Cosmetica
Everything purchased by me because I love genuine indie makeup brands.
Who is Gothic Charm School?
For those of you who don’t know Jillian, I’m shocked! She runs the Gothic Charm School blog, has published the book Gothic Charm School, and has been a figure of the gothic community for a very long time. I swear I ran into her during my Livejournal days. She wrote an awesome book, Gothic Charm School, too!
DIY Gothic Charm School Palette Video
Please watch the video on YouTube for Closed Captioning in English!
There are many fabulous swatches included in this video, I hope you enjoy them!
DIY Gothic Charm School Test Swatches
These swatches on my very fair neutral to cool yellow undertone (which turns olive when exposed to sun) were the starting point for the DIY palette.
- Arsenic – Allure
- Moonbeam – Parsec
- Unearthed – Twilight
- Lithophyte – Nox
- Circadian – Terrasphere
- Dahlia – Cascade
- Nightcall – Unity
- Midnight – Blood Moon
Dusty Pink Eyeshadow Search
The search for an eyeshadow single the same hue as Wilted Roses was very challenging!

Swatches in order from top to bottom:
- About Face Dionysus – soft orchid matte
- Necromancy Cosmetics Wilted Rosesย – dusty mauve pink matte
- Sydney Grace Co Haven – light warm matte lavender
- Lethal Remission – pastel peach matte
- Lime Crime Dreamy (Venus III) – dusty mauve matte
- Lime Crime Goddess (Venus XL) – dusty rose matte
- Natasha Denona Tungsten (Triochrome) – muted wine matte
- Natasha Denona Naga (Triochrome)- lilac matte
- Natasha Denona Garmon (Triochrome)- rosy brown matte
- Natasha Denona Redox (Triochrome) – purple-toned grey matte
- Stila Bust a Mauve Suede Shade Liquid Eyeshadow – deep mauve
- Stila Sassy Suede Shade Liquid Eyeshadow – nude pink
DIY Gothic Charm School Palette Inside
The eyeshadows are listed below from top to bottom. I used the reflection in the mirror to capture some of the iridescent multichrome shifts.
- First Row – Moonbeam, Unearthed, Lithophyte
- Second Row – Arsenic, Allure, Parsec
- Third Row – Terra Moons Blood Moon, Midnight, Dahlia
- Fourth Row – Unity, Cascade
Also in my mermaid palette, but not part of Gothic Charm School:
Gothic Charm School Palette Finalized Swatches
From top to bottom:
- Lethal Moonbeam – neutral ivory matte
- Lethal Unearthed – light grey beige taupe matte
- Lethal Lithophyte – muted deep taupe with purple undertone matte
- Lethal Arsenic – iridescent white with pink shift
- Lethal Allure – multichrome champagne to green-gold to red
- Lethal Parsec – metallic multichrome pink to gold to turquoise to lilac
- Terra Moons Blood Moon – satiny black multichrome that shifts from red to plum to orange to gold (a similar color is Lethalย Dark Matter)
- Lethal Midnight – deep purple matte
- Lethal Dahlia– orchid matte
- Lethal Unity – deep grape matte that I describe as wine matte
- Lethal Cascade – cool toned pomegranate red matte
Honorable Mention:
- Necromancy Cosmetica Wilted Roses – cool-toned pink
DIY Gothic Charm School Eye Swatches
I don’t normally swatch each individual eyeshadow on my lid for a palette, but this one is special! My eyes were sore for a few days afterwards. It sucks to have sensitive skin but this was worth it for me! This entire process was a labor of love. You will see my eye swatches in motion in the video as well.

How did I DIY this palette?
Initially Jillian said, an ivory, cool-toned taupe, cool-toned blackened plum, cool-toned pomegranate, and a pink/red duochrome. I told her I could help her build her perfect DIY Gothic Charm School palette with indie eyeshadow singles and that I’d shop my stash to help her find it. We went back and forth with different sets of eyeshadow swatches, mainly Lethal Cosmetics and Terra Moons Cosmetics.
My first attempt to find her favorites included: Fahrenheit, Cascade, Frantic, Unity, Midnight, Nightcall, Echo, Arsenic, Calcination, and Unearthed. The second set helped us to hone in on more options and included some duochromes and multichromes because I couldn’t help myself – Arsenic, Allure, Moonbeam, Parsec, Unearthed, Twilight, Lithophyte, Nox, Circadian, Terrasphere, Dahlia, Cascade, Nightcall, Unity, Midnight, Blood Moon. Terrasphere and Blood Moon are by Terra Moons Cosmetics, everything else is by Lethal Cosmetics.
From that set, Jillian said she loved: Arsenic, Allure, Moonbeam, Unearthed, Lithophyte, Dahlia, Unity, Bloodmoon. Her maybes became: Parsec, Terrasphere, Midnight. We discussed Circadian, as it’s the color of my master bedroom and also a color Jillian loves, but it didn’t make the cut for her palette. Cascade and Parsec became enthusiastic Yeses!
The Hardest Color – Dusty Pink
The only color left at this point was a single dupe for the Necromancy Cosmetica Gothic Romance palette color, Wilted Roses. Jillian wanted a pale cool pink, so I scoured my eyeshadow collection for a similar shade.
About Face Dionysus is a dead on dupe to my eyes for the color. Other colors I found that were similar but not exact were Sydney Grace Haven. From my collection, Natasha Denona Tungsten, About Face Dionysus, and Stila Bust a Mauve look the closest. I think Sydney Grace Haven and Lime Crime Dreamy also look really nice.
From my eyeshadow palettes, the Natasha Denona Triochome palette shade Tungsten and Lime crime Venus III Dreamy are both similar. Jillian didn’t care for any of these, so we skipped it.
I do want to give Necromancy Cosmetica a shout out for their gorgeous Gothic Romance palette as it has a completely unique form factor as far as palettes in my collection go, and such gorgeous colors.
There were two possible Lethal Cosmetics pink mattes that I didn’t own that might possibly be the right hue for Jillian – Crossroads or Onset.
One other thing I realized while searching for the Wilted Roses single, The Natasha Denona Triochromes palette has several mattes that give me Melt She’s in Parties vibes – Tungsten, Naga, Garmon and Redox are kind of in that family to my eyes.
Also, Lethal Cosmetics has a color very similar to Terra Moons Blood Moon, it’s called Dark Matter. So you can recreate this entire palette with Lethal Cosmetics if you desire.
How to Use the Palette

There are several ways to create eyeshadow combinations with this palette. You can do easy monochromatic 2 toned looks with such duos as Unearthed & Lithophyte, Cascade & Unity, Dahlia & Midnight. Neutrals with a twist with Allure, Unearthed and Lithophyte. Red combos with Parsec, Cascade and Unity or Parsec, Cascade and Blood Moon, or Arsenic, Cascade and Unity. Purple looks will be fun with Parsec, Dahlia and Midnight, or Allure, Lithotype and Midnight.
What sort of shop my stash or diy palettes would you like to see in the future?