Almay Smart Shade Anti-Aging Concealer SPF 20 in Light – Review & Swatches
Quite a while ago I picked up Almay’s Smart Shade Anti-Aging Concealer SPF 20 in Light from Target.
Quite a while ago I picked up Almay’s Smart Shade Anti-Aging Concealer SPF 20 in Light from Target.
Recently HauteLook (affiliate link) had a gift certificate on sale for It was buy $20 to get a $40 gift certificate. So, I decided to purchase the Jemma Kidd Light as Air Liquid Foundation SPF 18 in Ultra Light. I’d been curious about Jemma Kidd’s makeup ever since I read her book, Jemma Kidd…
Since I’ve received several emails, and it seems to be the top search term on my blog recently, I’ve decided to make a quick post about Orglamix. I haven’t seen the Orglamix Facebook page update since mid-March. The Orglamix Fraud page is still going strong. From the comments there, lots of people have not received…
This review has been a long time in the making. At the suggestion of several people, I purchased the Sonia Kashuk makeup remover.
During Sephora’s recent 15% sale, I picked up the adorable Tokidoki Devil Girl Cromatico Palette.
I have had many readers request that I check out Joppa Minerals, so I finally decided to try ordering from them.