
Best Moist Protein Muffin Recipe

Best Moist Protein Muffin Recipe

Hello, beautiful people. Today I’m sharing my Best Moist Protein Muffin Recipe with you. Protein muffins, in my experience, tend to be very dry. I’ve experimented many times to figure out how to improve the moisture content without adding tons of calories. This is my own original recipe I’ve created through trial and error, so you don’t have to! Right now, I bake around 3 times a week.

Protein Muffin Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 cups Greenwise finely ground almond flour
  • 2.5 cups Ryse Chocolate Cookie Blast protein powder
  • 1/3 cup Stevia In The Raw (I’ve tried up to 1/2 and as little as 1/4 and prefer 1/3)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup avocado oil
  • 6 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon almond extract
  • 1.5 cups diced cherries
  • 5 large egg whites from Egg Beaters
  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Publix Organic Greek Yogurt (plain unsweetend)

If you don’t like cherries, I recommend blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries!

Best Moist Protein Muffin Recipe Instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 350 & spray silicone muffin pan with avocado or olive oil.
  2. Put 6 tbsp chia seeds into a medium bowl and add 18 tbsp water and stir. Set it aside and let it gel.
  3. Add the almond flour, protein powder, stevia in the raw, baking soda, and salt into the Kitchenaid stand mixer and blend together.
  4. In another medium bowl, add the unsweetened applesauce, greek yogurt, avocado oil, almond extract, vanilla extract, egg whites, and apple cider vinegar. Mix completely. Then pour into the Kitchenaid stand mixer and blend together.
  5. Add the gelled chia seed mixture to the Kitchenaid stand mixer and blend together.
  6. Fold in the diced cherries at the end.
  7. Fill each muffin 3/4 full. This makes 24 muffins for me.
  8. Bake 16 minutes until toothpick comes out clean.

Basic Nutritional Information

The basic nutritional information will vary based on your ingredients. Here’s what mine looks like based on 24 muffins.

  • Calories: Approximately 120-140 calories per muffin
  • Protein: Approximately 10-12 grams per muffin
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 8-10 grams per muffin (including around 5-7 grams of fiber and less than 1 gram of sugar. Approx. 1 gram net carbs)
  • Fat: Approximately 5-7 grams per muffin

Why Ryse?

Why am I so into Ryse Protein powders? I’ve tried many different protein powders. Ryse protein powders are the best tasting protein powders I’ve found to date. Their nutrient profile is good for me, although I wish that they only used stevia or monkfruit for their sweeteners. I don’t think their sweeteners are the best.

The other big bonus to using Ryse Protein powders is that they have only 1 gram of sugar.

Why Chia Seeds?

Why do I use chia seeds? The chia seeds add fiber and keep me feeling full longer. You can potentially make this recipe 100% vegan by using exclusively chia seeds, no egg whites and a non-dairy yogurt. Chia seeds are a neutral taste for me, they don’t ruin food, and in some cases their unique texture really enhances it!

Cake It?

I’ve even modified this recipe to turn it into a cake with great success! My nephew and nieces loved it. Here’s how I modify it for a cake.

  • 3 cups Greenwise finely ground almond flour
  • 4 cups Ryse Chocolate Cookie Blast protein powder
  • 1/2 cup Stevia In The Raw (adjust to taste)
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 3/8 tsp salt
  • 1 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/2 cup avocado oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond extract
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/8 cups diced cherries
  • 8 large egg whites from Egg Beaters
  • 1 cup Publix Organic Greek yogurt (plain, unsweetened)
  • 9 tablespoons chia seeds

This made enough batter for 2 9-inch round silicone cake pans. I also made a cream cheese icing based off the recipe I found at Wholesome Yum blog. I LOVE their recipes and check them out frequently. While I didn’t get a good picture of the cake, next time I make a cake I will share it.

My nieces and nephew had 2 pieces of the cake I made, which surprised me and made me so happy, because they preferred it to the storebought cake that was available. They said the other cake was too dry!

Baking Supplies

I prefer using silicone baking pans. Here’s what I use for my baking needs.

Final Thoughts

Baking is one of my hobbies and I’ve leaned in hard to making as much of my own food as I possibly can over the past several months. I bake 3 or more times a week and I love it. It makes me happy that what I make is healthy and tasty to eat. I love being able to eat healthy and enjoy it.

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