L’Oreal EverPure Sulfate-Free Shampoo & Conditioner Review
A while ago I purchased L’Oreal Ever Pure Sulfate-Free Moisture Shampoo and Volume Conditioner. I’ve had mixed results with the products, so let me tell you about them.
A while ago I purchased L’Oreal Ever Pure Sulfate-Free Moisture Shampoo and Volume Conditioner. I’ve had mixed results with the products, so let me tell you about them.
October’s Independent Spotlight is with the amazing Amy of Sugarpill Cosmetics (affiliate link).
I swatched a ton of my bright pink / magenta / fuchsia lipsticks, per a reader request from my friend Dominique. I did a ton of shades, so hopefully you will see something here that you like. I previously swatched a few fuchsia shades here. Shade Descriptions: Urban Decay Trainwreck – fuchsia Morgana Azalea Blue…
This is just a little video tutorial on some Mineral Makeup 101 – How to apply mineral eye shadow with the dab/pat methods. There are many other methods, including foiling, using Pixie Epoxy (my personal favorite), or other mixing mediums as well as using bases like Paint Pots or Shade Sticks. I showcase ecoTools brushes…
Here are some fun pictures from DragonCon 2010. Me with my favorite musician Voltaire. You can purchase his latest album, Spooky Songs for Spooky Kids and his Country Album here.
Hello friends! I created my Candy Gothic Lolita Tutorial for an online magazine in July of 2010. I had so much fun putting this look together that I wanted to share it here too. Candy Gothic Lolita Tutorial Products Here are the Candy Gothic Lolita Tutorial products that I used: Candy Gothic Lolita Tutorial Step…