For Stunning Lashes You Need Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara

For Stunning Lashes You Need Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara

Recently I had the opportunity to try out the new Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara. With a name like that, it set expectations high. It more than meets them for me! PR sample. The Website Says The Better Than Sex Mascara Hourglass-Shaped Brush was designed after discovering the bust-waist-hip ratio of an iconic silver…

Sephora Disney Ariel Storylook Palette Vol. 3 Review

Sephora Disney Ariel Storylook Palette Vol. 3 Review

Soooo, I meant to have this review up sooner for you. It’s the Sephora Disney Ariel Storylook Palette Volume 3. I’ve lusted after the previous Sephora Disney palettes, but this was the one that pushed me into finally purchasing one. I think these Disney Princess themed palettes are super cute. The other two princesses that…

Studded & Spiked Fashion

Studded & Spiked Fashion

I haven’t shared an outfit of the day post for a while, so here’s what I wore recently for a casual night out with friends. I also wore this outfit at BlogHer Chicago 2013. PR + Purchased by me. Epiphanie Lola Handbag I love this camera handbag hybrid. It’s pretty and comfortable to carry around….