Is Pond’s Cruelty-free?

Is Pond’s Cruelty-free?

Is Pond’s Cruelty-free? I was recently asked, is Pond’s cruelty-free? I hadn’t heard the name Pond’s in years, but I was pretty sure the answer would be no. I have fond memories of my grandma using Pond’s cold cream to remove her makeup after church at night. Who owns Pond’s? Pond’s is owned by Unilever….

Is CeraVe cruelty free?

Is CeraVe cruelty free?

Is CeraVe Cruelty Free? I reached out to CeraVe to ask, is CeraVe Cruelty Free? I know so many people want CeraVe to be cruelty-free, which is why I reached out again. Bookmark my new cruelty-free beauty brand list! It’s updated, easily searchable, and has over 1000 brands! Who Owns CeraVe? L’Oreal owns CeraVe. Is…

Is Dove Cruelty-free?

Is Dove Cruelty-free?

Is Dove Cruelty-free? You’ve probably seen all over the news that Dove is cruelty-free. But is Dove cruelty-free? For real? Is Dove Cruelty-free? No. Not unless Dove is 100% exempt from pre-market testing in China. Who owns Dove? Unilever owns Dove. Unilever is not a cruelty-free company. What sort of testing happens in China? In…