Is OGX Cruelty Free?

Is OGX Cruelty Free?

Is OGX Cruelty Free? Recently I reached out OGX to ask, Is OGX Cruelty Free? I asked my standard set of questions. Are the finished products tested on animals by the company, a parent company, a third party or an affiliate company? Are the products tested on animals during the production process by the company, a…

Fyrinnae Halloween 2017

Fyrinnae Halloween 2017

Fyrinnae Halloween 2017 Fyrinnae Halloween 2017 was released in September, I think. I absolutely love that Fyrinnae releases are permanent, never LE. So I never feel like I have to rush to order them. I don’t have to deal with FOMO. It’s such a nice change. Where to Buy Fyrinnae Fyrinnae is an all vegan…

Black Beauty Beauty Bible

Black Beauty Beauty Bible

Black Beauty Beauty Bible I recently ran across Black Beauty Cosmetics on Etsy. I saw that they had released the Black Beauty Beauty Bible, so I decided to pick it up. I also bought a few eyeshadow singles and I received Witchy as a free single. The Black Beauty Beauty Bible (Burn Book) is a parody of…