
About Emani

Founded in Huntington Beach, California in 1998, Emani has been perfecting the art of cosmetics on a quiet scale – Emani is the 20 year secret to healthy, glowing, BEAUTIFUL skin! Our aim is to be the ultimate look all while feeling beautiful. We are a company striving to DO good in every aspect of our lives. We are rooted in the fact that we are not just another faceless company.  Many would believe that “going green” is difficult due to the challenge of maintaining the high maintenance lifestyle that we have become accustomed to. However, the truth is that whatever the cost, the priceless benefits are made evident through improvements in the environment and our health. In the end, “going green” will essentially ensure that we are leaving a better planet for our children, while preserving the Earth that we call home. We treat our makeup as skin care, utilizing potent doses of Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, peptides, organic oils, and plant extracts to elevate and maintain the health of your skin without unecesary toxins.