drunk elephant

drunk elephant

About Drunk Elephant Drunk Elephant is committed to using only ingredients that either directly benefit the skin’s health or support the integrity and effectiveness of our formulations. We never take into account an ingredient’s synthetic or natural status, but instead choose based on biocompatibility. You won’t find what we call the “Suspicious 6” in our…

Deborah Lippmann

Deborah Lippmann

About Deborah Lippmann Deborah’s success as one of the most sought-after manicurists in the world, as well as an innovative entrepreneur, has an interesting origin in her passion for and pursuit of music. Her first love was music, and with dreams of becoming a jazz singer, Deborah belted out sultry tunes in smoky clubs by…

devinah cosmetics

devinah cosmetics

About devinah cosmetics My name is DeAndra, owner and CEO of this indie brand. Since high school, I have always been a huge fan of eyeshadows. I tend to personally gravitate more to the darker and brighter colors that others wouldn’t dare to try! I found myself becoming more of an eyeshadow enthusiast by purchasing and collecting…



About drybar Named one of the top “100 Brilliant Ideas of 2010” by Entrepreneur Magazine and New York Magazine’s Boom Brands of 2013, Drybar is based on the simple concept of focusing on one thing and being the best at it: Blowouts. The idea was a natural one for curly haired founder Alli Webb, a…

Deco Miami

Deco Miami

About Deco Miami Hi! I’m Jules, the founder of Deco Miami. A lot of people want to know how I started Deco, so here’s the story of how it happened:  At my college homecoming, I stayed with my friend who had a huge collection of nail polish sitting in a windowsill of her apartment. All of the…

Diamond Cosmetics

Diamond Cosmetics

About Diamond Cosmetics We started our private label division in 1992 with just one beauty supply distributor, ultimately growing to provide clients all over the world with private label nail products. Our customers include major department stores, famous designers, celebrity manicurists, major drug and mass merchant retail stores, specialty retail stores, home shopping and QVC…