Random MAC Neutrals – Cream, Beige, Brown, Grey Eyeshadow Swatches

Random MAC Neutrals – Cream, Beige, Brown, Grey Eyeshadow Swatches

At one point I found myself lemming for the Naked 2 palette. Then I realized, in my massive makeup collection, I probably had more than enough naked neutral shades, so I really didn’t need to have a lemming for it. I ended up looking through all my neutrals and so many looked the same in…

BioWare Stands Tall

BioWare Stands Tall

In a (not so) stunning display of bigotry, the Family Research Council (article from Gamespot) says BioWare has ‘gone to the dark side’ because of the promise to include same-gender romance in the MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. I find it appalling that BioWare is being blasted for once again choosing to include everyone…