
About Blissoma

Blissoma is the elegant marriage of herbal form and function: botanical innovations that create balanced skin and healthy beauty.

In an effort to provide true solutions to uncomfortable skin conditions I have spent hours poring over research, while breaking new ground to defy the limits set by stock formulations. A purist and perfectionist by nature, I have created a sophisticated, unique, and potent collection of products that proactively heal skin and enhance health.

At Blissoma, we have chosen to work with a much stricter ingredient palette than even most “natural” brands. The texture, color, and smell of our products tell the story of raw nature, hand-blended to perfection, and delivered to you.

All of our products harness the power of nature to create effective skin solutions. Every product in our collection is Cruelty-Free, Certified Vegan, made in-house, and packed with certified organic botanicals, bioavailable vitamins, essential fatty acids, and skin-soothing seed oils. Â